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eLearning for Organisations

Central eLearning offers the following 10 on-line learning modules, designed to provide comprehensive and cost effective induction or refresher training for front line workers.

Equality and Diversity Health and Safety
Safeguarding Adults Infection Control
Introduction to Mental Health Medication Awareness
Challenging Behaviour Mental Capacity Act
Safeguarding Children Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Our eLearning courses are relevant to many different sectors where front line workers are responsible for their own and other people’s welfare and are designed by industry specialist trainers, who are experienced and qualified subject matter experts.

We use the latest technologies to deliver contemporary and essential learning through case studies, reflective practice exercises, quizzes and an end of course assessment, all of which is interactive and engaging.

For organisations wishing to purchase multiple licences, we offer:

A FREE Learning Management System (LMS)

Central eLearning’s Learning Management System is a web-based platform that is easy to use and accessed from any computer.

The LMS automates all the administration related to managing the eLearning:

  • Registers your delegates
  • Allocates your courses
  • Tracks progress
  • Provides visibility of records and reports
  • Allows you to extend date thresholds
  • Issues certificates

Discounts for bulk purchases

We offer very attractive discounts for organisations purchasing over 50 course licences.

Please contact for further information.

Licences for life

When you allocate a course to an employee, the course licence will remain with that employee for the duration of their employment with you. This means you will only be charged once for the course licence.

Free course personalisation

We provide free course personalisation and branding for all our courses, so you can put your own company name, colours and logos onto the courses.

Islington personalised course
St Mungo personalised course
Richmond Fellowship personalised course
Evolve Housing + Support personalised course

Please contact training@​ for further information

  • Training020 7354 6433
  • Recruitment020 7354 6438
  • Managed Services020 7354 6447
  • Payroll & Accounts020 7354 6440