Off the shelf and tailored courses and programmes

Safeguarding for Designated Lead Officers

Course Overview

The Designated Safeguarding Officer is the first point of contact for staff members and other stakeholders of the organisation, so it is essential that their knowledge of Safeguarding procedures is in-depth and up-to-date.
Central Training's Safeguarding for Lead Officers course will help delegates to understand what the role involves and to understand the safeguarding process in more detail. The course uses different exercises and materials to help Lead Officers to review and develop the Safeguarding procedures within their organisation and ensure that all staff members understand their responsibilities towards safeguarding

This course will consider the requirements of the Care Act 2014, which puts adult safeguarding on a legal footing and updates the scope of adult safeguarding, the Pan London Guidelines and Making Safeguarding Personal. Additionally, it will consider the requirements of the London Safeguarding Children Board.

It will develop the knowledge required by lead officers to use the Mental Capacity Act appropriately to identify, address and prevent abuse.

Learning Outcomes

This course aims to equip candidates with the skills to:
  • Know and discuss the aims of adult safeguarding
  • Define safeguarding duties for all levels of the organisation
  • List methods for safer recruitment
  • Discuss how the organisation can support staff reporting safeguarding issues
  • Outline training needs for staff at all levels of the organisation
  • Recommend approaches to care, support or treatment that ensure safeguarding is prioritised
  • Propose systems of monitoring and audits that ensure safeguarding procedures are being met with clients at the centre
  • List legislation underpinning safeguarding
  • Understand and discuss the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • Outline the responsibilities and limits of employees at all levels
  • Discuss standards and benchmarks of safeguarding
  • Explain how partnership working strengthens safeguarding
  • Ensure that the organisation's policy and procedure meets legal requirements
  • Discuss the management of complaints and concerns
  • Describe various ways of encouraging advocacy to clients
  • List the main barriers to addressing poor practice
  • Recommend ways of tackling poor practice

  • Methods of Delivery

    This course requires full delegate participation to maximise the intra-group learning, to support direction from the trainer. A range of methods are employed to maintain delegate engagement such as PowerPoint presentation, reference material, video, group work, flipchart work, subgroup work and group discussions.

    • Course Content
    • Audience
    • Training Considerations
    • Certification
    • Related Courses

    Course Content

    Course content:
  • Aims of adult safeguarding under the Care Act and Making Safeguarding Personal
  • The safeguarding duties of lead officers
  • Processes and procedures involved in recruiting, training and supporting staff
  • Planning and delivering personalised care and providing support or treatment
  • Ways of regularly monitoring safeguarding services
  • Outline of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • The roles, responsibilities and limits of staff members in relation to safeguarding protocol
  • Using standards and benchmarks to monitor safeguarding issues
  • Partnership, confidentiality and information sharing within safeguarding adults
  • Review of safeguarding policy and procedure
  • How to manage complaints and concerns
  • Target Audience

    This course is suitable for staff that may need to respond to concerns raised by others, for example, senior staff and Safeguarding Leads in provider services.

    Training Considerations

    Delegates should have basic knowledge of safeguarding adults and have a comprehensive awareness of the organisation's safeguarding policy and procedures.


    Upon completion of the course, the delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

    Related Courses

    Safeguarding for Managers
    Safdeguarding for SMT & Trustees
    Safeguarding for Designated Lead Officers
    Course overview:

    The Designated Safeguarding Officer is the first point of contact for staff members and other stakeholders of the organisation, so it is essential that their knowledge of Safeguarding procedures is in-depth and up-to-date.
    Central Training's Safeguarding for Lead Officers course will help delegates to understand what the role involves and to understand the safeguarding process in more detail. The course uses different exercises and materials to help Lead Officers to review and develop the Safeguarding procedures within their organisation and ensure that all staff members understand their responsibilities towards safeguarding

    This course will consider the requirements of the Care Act 2014, which puts adult safeguarding on a legal footing and updates the scope of adult safeguarding, the Pan London Guidelines and Making Safeguarding Personal. Additionally, it will consider the requirements of the London Safeguarding Children Board.

    It will develop the knowledge required by lead officers to use the Mental Capacity Act appropriately to identify, address and prevent abuse.

    Learning outcomes:
    This course aims to equip candidates with the skills to:

    · Know and discuss the aims of adult safeguarding
    · Define safeguarding duties for all levels of the organisation
    · List methods for safer recruitment
    · Discuss how the organisation can support staff reporting safeguarding issues
    · Outline training needs for staff at all levels of the organisation
    · Recommend approaches to care, support or treatment that ensure safeguarding is prioritised
    · Propose systems of monitoring and audits that ensure safeguarding procedures are being met with clients at the centre
    · List legislation underpinning safeguarding
    · Understand and discuss the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
    · Outline the responsibilities and limits of employees at all levels
    · Discuss standards and benchmarks of safeguarding
    · Explain how partnership working strengthens safeguarding
    · Ensure that the organisation's policy and procedure meets legal requirements
    · Discuss the management of complaints and concerns
    · Describe various ways of encouraging advocacy to clients
    · List the main barriers to addressing poor practice
    · Recommend ways of tackling poor practice

    Methods of delivery:

    This course requires full delegate participation to maximise the intra-group learning, to support direction from the trainer. A range of methods are employed to maintain delegate engagement such as PowerPoint presentation, reference material, video, group work, flipchart work, subgroup work and group discussions.

    Course content:
    · Aims of adult safeguarding under the Care Act and Making Safeguarding Personal
    · The safeguarding duties of lead officers
    · Processes and procedures involved in recruiting, training and supporting staff
    · Planning and delivering personalised care and providing support or treatment
    · Ways of regularly monitoring safeguarding services
    · Outline of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
    · The roles, responsibilities and limits of staff members in relation to safeguarding protocol
    · Using standards and benchmarks to monitor safeguarding issues
    · Partnership, confidentiality and information sharing within safeguarding adults
    · Review of safeguarding policy and procedure
    · How to manage complaints and concerns

    This course is suitable for staff that may need to respond to concerns raised by others, for example, senior staff and Safeguarding Leads in provider services.

    Delegates should have basic knowledge of safeguarding adults and have a comprehensive awareness of the organisation's safeguarding policy and procedures.

    Upon completion of the course, the delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

    Safeguarding for Managers
    Safdeguarding for SMT & Trustees

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