Off the shelf and tailored courses and programmes

Safeguarding for SMT & Trustees


½ day or 1 day

Course Overview

This course is tailored to meet the needs of the Senior Management Team and Trustees. In particular, it aims to create an opportunity for Managers and Trustees to update their knowledge of the Care Act, 2014, as well as of the requirements of their organisation. The responsibilities and expectations of Senior Management Team and of the board of Trustees will be reviewed also. Additionally, participants will be given the opportunity to reflect upon current organisational strengths and weaknesses, with a view to developing an action plan. Where relevant, reference will be made to the Multi Agency London Guidelines.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course participants will have
  • Been introduced to Safeguarding under the Care Act, 2014
  • Understood the definition of 'Abuse', and the forms it can take
  • Clarified the expectations of Staff/Trustees within their organisation
  • Considered the culture of Safeguarding within their organisation
  • Carried out a Safeguarding Audit, if a full day's training is commissioned.

Methods of Delivery

This course will use a variety of training methods, including tutor presentation, group discussions and small group work.

  • Course Content
  • Audience
  • Training Considerations
  • Certification
  • Related Courses

Course Content

  • Who does the duty of safeguarding apply to?
  • The safeguarding principles and the link to making Safeguarding Personal
  • How does the Care Act define abuse?
  • Abuse and the link to the Wellbeing Principle
  • Forms of abuse (adults and children)
  • The Pan London Guidelines: Abuse and Crimes (where relevant for an organisation)
  • The Duty of Candour, openness, transparency and co-operation
  • The responsibilities of front line staff, service managers, senior managers and Trustees
  • The Criminal Justice and Courts Act, 2015 and expectations of the Charity Commission
  • Establishing a culture of safeguarding: a SWOT analysis
  • Safeguarding Adults at Risk Audit Tool 2015-2016

Target Audience

Senior Management and Trustees

Training Considerations


Related Courses

Safeguarding for Managers
Safegaurding for Lead Officers
Safeguarding for SMT & Trustees
Duration: ½ day or 1 day

Course overview:
This course is tailored to meet the needs of the Senior Management Team and Trustees. In particular, it aims to create an opportunity for Managers and Trustees to update their knowledge of the Care Act, 2014, as well as of the requirements of their organisation. The responsibilities and expectations of Senior Management Team and of the board of Trustees will be reviewed also. Additionally, participants will be given the opportunity to reflect upon current organisational strengths and weaknesses, with a view to developing an action plan. Where relevant, reference will be made to the Multi Agency London Guidelines.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course participants will have:
· Been introduced to Safeguarding under the Care Act, 2014
· Understood the definition of 'Abuse', and the forms it can take
· Clarified the expectations of Staff/Trustees within their organisation
· Considered the culture of Safeguarding within their organisation
· Carried out a Safeguarding Audit, if a full day's training is commissioned.

Methods of delivery:
This course will use a variety of training methods, including tutor presentation, group discussions and small group work.

· Who does the duty of safeguarding apply to?
· The safeguarding principles and the link to making Safeguarding Personal
· How does the Care Act define abuse?
· Abuse and the link to the Wellbeing Principle
· Forms of abuse (adults and children)
· The Pan London Guidelines: Abuse and Crimes (where relevant for an organisation)
· The Duty of Candour, openness, transparency and co-operation
· The responsibilities of front line staff, service managers, senior managers and Trustees
· The Criminal Justice and Courts Act, 2015 and expectations of the Charity Commission
· Establishing a culture of safeguarding: a SWOT analysis
· Safeguarding Adults at Risk Audit Tool 2015-2016

Senior Management and Trustees



Safeguarding for Managers
Safegaurding for Lead Officers

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